Bibliography by date



Davis E P (2010), "Asset prices and real economic activity" OECD Economics Department Working Paper no. 764

Barrell R, Davis E P, Karim D and Liadze I (2010), "Calibrating macroprudential policy", NIESR Discussion Paper No. 354

Barrell R, Davis E P, Karim D and Liadze I (2010), "The impact of global imbalances; does the current account balance help to predict banking crises in OECD countries", NIESR Discussion Paper No. 351

Davis E P (2009), "Financial Stability in the United Kingdom: Banking on Prudence" OECD Economics Department Working Paper no. 717

Barrell R, Davis E P, Fic T, Holland D, Kirby S, Liadze I (2009), "Optimal regulation of bank capital and liquidity: how to calibrate new international standards, FSA Occasional Paper No 38

Davis E P (2009) "The financial crisis, private and public debt - contrasting the approaches of economics and theology", draft paper for the Evangelical Alliance Study Group on "Life After Debt"

Davis E P and Karim D (2009), "Macroprudential regulation - the missing policy pillar" Keynote address at the Euroframe Conference, London, June 2009

Barrell R, Davis, E P, Fic T and Orazgani A (2009), "Household debt and foreign currency borrowing in New Member States of the EU", paper presented at the Euroframe Conference, London, June 2009

Davis E P and Obasi U (2009), "Deposit insurance systems and bank risk", Brunel University Working Paper

Davis E P and Obasi U (2009), "The effectiveness of banking supervision", Brunel University Working Paper

Barrell R, Davis E P, Karim D and Liadze I (2009), "Bank Regulation, Property Prices And Early Warning Systems For Banking Crises In OECD Countries", NIESR Discussion Paper No. 330

Barrell R, Davis E P and Pomerantz O (2009), "The Impact of EMU on Real Exchange Rate Volatility in EU countries", forthcoming, National Institute Economic Review

Davis, E Philip (2009), "The lender of last resort and liquidity provision - how much of a departure is the sub-prime crisis", paper presented at the LSE Financial Markets Group conference on the Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis, 19th January 2009 

Barrell R and Davis E P (2008), "The evolution of the financial crisis of 2007-8", National Institute Economic Review, 206, 5-14 and Brunel University Economics and Finance Working Paper No 08-25 

Davis E P and Karim D (2008), "Could early warnings systems have helped to predict the subprime crisis?", National Institute Economic Review, 206, 25-37 and Brunel University Economics and Finance Working Paper No 08-27

Davis, E Philip (2008), "Liquidity, financial crises and lender of last resort - how much of a departure is the sub-prime crisis", paper presented at the Reserve Bank of Australia conference on "Lessons of the financial turmoil of 2007-8", 14-15 July 2008, Sydney

Davis E Philip and Yu-Wei Hu (2008), "Are Canadian pension funds disadvantaged by the current structure of portfolio regulations?" paper presented at the ICPM conference, Toronto, Canada, June 2008

Davis, E Philip and Dilly Karim (2007), "Comparing early warning systems for banking crises", Brunel University Economics and Finance working paper No. 07-11

Davis E Philip (2007) "A confrontation of economic and theological approaches to "ending poverty" in Africa", mimeo, Brunel University and London School of Theology

Al Eyd, Ali, Barrell Ray and Davis E Philip (2007) "Consumer confidence indices and short term forecasting of consumption, Brunel University Economics and Finance working paper 07-12 

Davis E Philip (2007) "Has growth of funded pensions in Europe lived up to its promise?" Investment and Pensions Europe, February, 30-31

Davis E Philip (2006) "Pension funding, productivity, ageing and economic growth" paper presented at the  third conference of the "Monetary and Stability Foundation", Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, July 2006 and Brunel University Economics and Finance working paper No 07-09

Davis E Philip (2006) "How will ageing affect the structure of financial markets?" paper presented at the Reserve Bank of Australia - G20 conference on "Demographics and Financial Markets", Sydney, July 2006 and Brunel University Economics and Finance Working paper No. 07-10

Craig R S, Davis E P and Garcia A (2006), "Sources of procyclicality in East Asian financial systems", Brunel University Economics and Finance Working Paper No. 06-02

Davis E Philip and Haibin Zhu (2005), "Commercial property prices and bank performance", BIS Working Paper No 175

Davis E P (2005), "Pension fund assets and international investment, a global perspective", Pensions

Davis E P and Hu Y (2005), "Saving, funding and economic growth", Brunel University Economics and Finance Working Paper [Final shorter version for the Oxford Handbook of Pension Reform and Investment]

Davis E P and Hu Y (2004), "Is there a link between pension fund assets and economic growth? A cross country empirical study", Brunel University Economics and Finance Working Paper

Barrell R and Davis E P (2004) Financial liberalisation, consumption and wealth effects in 7 OECD countries Discussion Paper No 247, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Byrne J and Davis E P (2004), "Permanent and temporary inflation uncertainty and
investment in the United States", Economics Letters, 85, 271-277

Barrell R, Davis E P and Pomerantz O (2004), "Costs of financial instability,
household sector balance sheets and consumption" Discussion Paper No. 243, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Davis E P (2004), "Financial Development, Institutional Investors and Economic Performance", forthcoming in ed C Goodhart, "Financial Development", Palgrave [slides]

Barrell R and Davis E P (2004), "Consumption, financial and real wealth in the G-5", Discussion Paper No. 232, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Davis E P and Zhu H (2004), "Bank lending and commercial property prices, some cross country evidence", BIS Working Paper No 150

Davis E P (2004), "Is there a pensions crisis in the UK?", Brunel University Working Paper 03-21 [slides]

Davis E P and Stone M (2004), "Corporate Financial Structure and Financial Stability",  Journal of Financial Stability

Madsen J and Davis E P (2004), "Equity prices, productivity growth and the "new economy"", Working Paper No 04-05, EPRU, University of Copenhagen

Davis E P and Ioannidis C (2004), "External financing of US corporations; are loans and securities complements or substitutes?", Brunel University Department of Economics and Finance Working Paper 04-02.

Davis E P (2003), "Towards a typology for systemic financial instability", Brunel University Working Paper No 03-20 

Davis E P and Li C (2003), "Demographics and asset prices in the major industrial economies", Brunel University Working Paper No 03-07

Byrne J and Davis E P (2003), "Financial structure", Cambridge University Press

Davis E P (2003), "Pension funds and European financial markets", "Berichte and Studien 2003/2", Austrian National Bank [slides]

Davis E P (2003), "Institutional investors, financial market efficiency and stability", paper presented at the European Investment Bank conference entitled "Europe's changing financial landscape", EIB, Luxembourg, 23rd January 2003 [slides]

Byrne J and Davis E P (2003), "Panel Estimation of the Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Investment in the Major Industrial Countries", Discussion Paper No 208, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Davis E P (2003), "Comparing bear markets, 1973 and 2000", National Institute Economic Review, 183, 78-89

Davis E P and Li C (2003), "Demographics and asset prices in the major industrial economies", Brunel University Working Paper

Davis E P (2002), "Prudent person rules or quantitative restrictions? The regulation of long term institutional investors' portfolios", Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 1, 157-191

Davis E P (2002), "The European pension management industry", Working Paper PI-0212, The Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London and forthcoming in Revue d'Economie Financiere

Davis E P (2002), "Issues in the regulation of annuities markets", Working Paper, Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, Turin [slides]

Byrne J and Davis E P (2002), "Investment and uncertainty in the G-7", Discussion Paper No 198, National Institute of Economic and Social Research 

Davis E P (2002), "Pension fund management and international investment; a global perspective", paper presented at the Senior Level Policy Seminar, Caribbean Centre for Monetary Studies, Trinidad

Davis E P (2002), "Institutional investors, corporate governance, and the performance of the corporate sector", Working Paper, The Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London and Economic Systems, 26, 203-229

Byrne J and Davis E P (2002), "A comparison of balance sheet structures in major EU countries", National Institute Economic Review, April, 83-95

Davis E P (2002), "Prudent person rules or quantitative restrictions? The regulation of long term institutional investors' portfolios", Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 1, 157-191

Davis E P (2002), "Ageing and financial stability", in eds H Herrmann and A Auerbach, "Ageing and Financial Markets", Springer Verlag - Deutsche Bundesbank [working paper version published as PI-0111, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London]

Davis E P (2002), "A typology of financial crises", in Financial Stability Review No 2, Austrian National Bank.

Davis E P and Madsen J (2001), "Productivity and equity returns; a century of evidence for 9 OECD countries", Working Paper 01-12, Brunel University [latest version]

Davis E P (2001), "Regulation of Private Pensions - A Case Study of the United Kingdom", Occasional Paper No OP15, Financial Services Authority, London

Ashworth P and Davis E P (2001). Some evidence on financial factors in the determination of aggregate business investment for the G7 countries Discussion Paper No 187, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Byrne J and Davis E P (2001). Disaggregate Wealth and aggregate consumption: an investigation of empirical relationships for the G7  Discussion Paper No 180, National Institute of Economic and Social Research and forthcoming in "Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics"

Davis E P (2001), "Portfolio regulation of life insurance companies and pension funds", Working Paper No. PI-0101, The Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London

Davis E P (2001), "Multiple avenues of intermediation, corporate finance and financial stability", Working Paper No. 01/115, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC

Davis E P (2000), "Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance", Working Paper No. 00-19, Brunel University, West London

Davis E P and Tuori K (2000) "The changing structure of banks' income - An Empirical  Investigation", Working Paper No. 00-11, Brunel University, West London

Davis E P and Steil B (2000), "Institutional investors" MIT Press

Davis E P (2000), "Financial stability in the Euro area - some lessons from US financial history", LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No 123.

Davis E P (2000), "Pension Funds, Financial Intermediation and the New Financial Landscape", Working Paper No. PI-2010, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London,

Davis E P (2000), "Regulation of Private Pensions - A Case Study of the UK" Working Paper No. PI-2009, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London

Davis E P (2000), "Implications of the growth of institutional investors for the financial sector" Working Paper  No. PI-2001, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London,

Buckle S, Cunningham A and Davis E P (2000), A Possible International Ranking for UK Financial Stability, Financial Stability Review No. 8, 94-104

Davis E P (2000), "La reforme des fonds de pension et les marches financiers europeen, une reevaluation des effets potentiels a la lendemain de l 'UEM", in eds. C Bismut and N El Mekkaoui-de Freitas, "Fonds de pension, aspects economiques et financiers", Economica, Paris

Bodie Z and Davis E P (eds) (2000), "Foundations of Pension Finance", forthcoming, Edward Elgar [Order from] [Order from]

De Bandt O and Davis E P (2000) "Competition, contestability and market structure in European banking sectors on the eve of EMU", Journal of Banking and Finance, 24, 1045-1066

Davis E P (1999), "Russia/LTCM and market liquidity risk", The Financial Regulator, 4/2, Summer 1999, 23-28

De Bandt O and Davis E P (1999), "Competition in European banking systems", Working Paper, European Central Bank

Davis E P (1999), "Institutionalisation and EMU: implications for European Financial Markets", International Finance, 2, 33-61.

Davis E P (1999), "Financial data needs for macroprudential surveillance: what are the key indicators of risk to domestic financial stability?", Lecture Series No 2, Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England.

Davis E P (1999), "EMU and financial structure", Financial Market Trends, OECD, Paris

Davis E P and Salo S (1998), "Excess capacity in EU and US banking sectors - conceptual, measurement and policy issues", LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No. 105

Davis E P (1998), "The European Central Bank", in "The guide to the governance of Britain in Europe 1998/9", Carlton Publishing, London

Davis E P (1998), "Regulation of pension fund assets", in Ed. H Blommestein and N Funke, "Institutional investors in the new financial landscape", OECD, Paris

Davis E P (1998), "Policy and implementation issues in reforming pension systems", Working Paper No. 31, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London

Davis E P (1998), "Pensions in the corporate sector", in "Redesigning social security", Ed. H Siebert, Kiel Institute for World Economics

Davis E P (1998), "Pension fund reform and European financial markets - a reappraisal of potential effects in the wake of EMU", LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No. 107

Davis E P (1998), "Linkages between pension reform and financial sector development", Discussion Paper No. PI-9909, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London.

Davis E P (1998), "Investment of mandatory funded pension schemes", Discussion Paper No. PI-9908, the Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London and in eds J Turner and D Latulippe "Funding of Social Security Pensions", International Labour Office.

Davis E P (1998), "Funding's advantages over pay-as-you-go", Investment and Pensions Europe, January

Davis E P (1998), "European pensions, "fundamental" influences and the role of Economic and Monetary Union", Journal of Pension Fund Management and Marketing, 3, 206-237.

Davis E P and Fagan G (1997), "Are financial spreads useful indicators of future inflation and output growth in EU countries", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 12, 701-714

Davis E P (1997), "The role of the European Monetary Institute", in "The guide to the governance of Britain in Europe 1997/8", Carlton Publishing, London

Davis E P (1997), "Repartition, capitalisation et securite des regimes de retraite", Economie Internationale, 72, 91-105

Davis E P (1997), "Public pensions, pension reform and fiscal policy", Staff Paper No. 5 European Monetary Institute

Davis E P (1997), "Private pensions in OECD countries; the United Kingdom", Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Paper No. 21, OECD, Paris

Davis E P (1997), "Population ageing and retirement income provision in the European Union", in Ed. B Bosworth and G Burtless, "Ageing societies, the global dimension", Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, (also Special Paper, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London) [tables]

Davis E P (1996), "The Role of Institutional Investors in the Evolution of Financial Structure and Behaviour", in "The Future of the Financial System", proceedings of a conference held at the Reserve Bank of Australia, RBA, Sydney and LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No. 89

Davis E P (1996), "Pourquoi les investisseurs institutionelles pourraient déstabiliser les marchés financiers", Rapport moral sur l'argent dans le monde, Association d'Économie Financière.

Davis E P (1996), "Pension Fund Investments", in B. Steil et al "The European Equity Markets, the State of the Union and an Agenda for the Millennium", The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.

Davis E P (1996), "International experience of pension reform and its application to the Netherlands", Working Paper No. 11, Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, London.

Davis E P (1995), "Social security pensions in OECD countries, economic issues and policy concerns", Policy Options. 16,7,3-7.

Davis E P (1995), "Pension funds, retirement-income security and capital markets - an international perspective", Oxford University Press [Order from].[Order from]

Davis E P (1995), "International investment of pension funds in Europe, scope and implications for financial stability", Finanzmarkt and Portfolio Management, 9, 162-186.

Davis E P (1995), "Institutional investors, unstable financial markets and monetary policy", in eds. F Bruni, D Fair and R O'Brien, "Risk management in volatile financial markets", Kluwer, Amsterdam (also Special Paper No. 75, LSE Financial Markets Group).

Davis E P (1995), "Financial Fragility in the Early 1990s, what can be Learnt from International Experience?" , Special Paper No. 76, LSE Financial Markets Group.

Davis E P (1995), "Debt, financial fragility and systemic risk, revised and expanded version", Oxford University Press. [Order from] [Order from]

Davis E P (1995), "An international comparison of the financing of occupational pensions", in eds. Z Bodie, O Mitchell and J Turner, "Securing employer provided pensions: an international perspective", Univ. of Pennsylvania Press (also Special Paper No. 62, Financial Markets Group, LSE).

Davis E P, Henry S G B and Pesaran B (1994), "The role of financial spreads; empirical analysis of spreads and real activity", The Manchester School, 62, 374-94.

Raymond R and Davis E P (1994), "Währungspolitik als Integrationspolitik: Österreich und die Europäische Währungsunion" in"Der Schilling, ein Spiegel der Zeiten" ed. A. Wala

Davis E P (1994), "Pensionskassen, Altersversorgung und die Entwicklung der Finanzsysteme", Sparkasse, 111, 157-65.

Davis E P (1994), "Market liquidity risk", in eds. Fair D. and Raymond R., "The Competitiveness of Financial Institutions and Centres in Europe", Kluwer Academic Publishers

Davis E P (1994), "Banking, corporate finance and monetary policy; an empirical perspective", Oxford Review of Economic Policy 10/4 49-67.

Davis E P and Henry S G B (1994), "The use of financial spreads as indicator variables; empirical evidence for the UK and Germany", IMF Staff Papers, 41, 517-25.

Davis E P and Henry S G B (1993), "The use of financial spreads as indicators of real activity", in ed Arestis P, "Contemporary issues in money and banking", MacMillan, London.

Davis E P (1993), "Whither corporate-banking relations?", in ed. K Hughes, "The future of UK industrial competitiveness", Policy Studies Institute, London.

Davis E P (1993), "VAR modelling of the German economy with financial spreads as key indicator variables", Discussion Paper No. 159, Financial Markets Group, LSE.

Davis E P (1993), "Theories of intermediation, financial innovation and regulation", National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review, May, 41-54.

Davis E P (1993), "The UK fund management industry", The Business Economist, 24/2, 36-49.

Davis E P (1993), "The structure, regulation and performance of pension funds in nine industrial countries", Discussion Paper No. WPS 1224, TheWorld Bank, Washington DC..

Davis E P (1993), "The development of pension funds, a forthcoming financial revolution for continental Europe", in ed R O'Brien, "Finance and the International Economy 7, the Amex Essay Awards 1993", Oxford University Press.

Davis E P (1993), "Problems of banking regulation, an EC perspective", Special Paper No. 59, Financial Markets Group, LSE.

Davis E P (1993), "Lo sviluppo dei fondi pensione: un confronto internazionale", in ed. A Porta, "Fondo pensione e mercati finanziari", Edizioni Guiridiche Economiche Aziendali dell' Universita Bocconi e Guiffre Editori s.p.a.

Davis E P (1993), "La diversification internationale des investissements des compagnies d'assurance-vie et des fonds de pension", in eds, P Artus, C Bismut and D Plihon, "L' Epargne", Presse Universitaire de France, Paris.

Davis E P (1993), "Développement des fonds de pension; un effet important, mais non determinant, sur l'épargne." , Epargne et Finance, 2/1993, 64-67.

Davis E P (1993), "Bank credit risk", Working Paper No. 8, Bank of England, London.

Colwell R J and Davis E P (1992), "Output, productivity and externalities; the case of banking", Working Paper No. 3, Bank of England, London.

Colwell R J and Davis E P (1992), "Output and productivity in banking", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 94 Supplement, 111-129.

Davis E P (1992), "Theories of intermediation - implications for regulation", Special Paper No. 50, Financial Markets Group, LSE.

Davis E P (1992), "The eurobond market" in ed Cobham D, "Markets and Dealers; the Economics of London's Financial Markets", Longman.

Davis E P (1992), "The development of pension funds in the main industrial countries", in ed Mortensen J, "The future of pensions in the European Community ", published by Brassey's for the Centre for European Policy Research, Brussels.

Davis E P (1992), "Pension funds", New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, MacMillan, London.

Davis E P (1992), "Euromarkets", New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, MacMillan, London.

Davis E P (1992), "Debt, financial fragility and systemic risk", Oxford University Press.

Davis E P (1992), "Credit quality spreads, bond market efficiency and financial fragility", The Manchester School, 60 supplement, 21-46

Davis E P and Mayer C P (1991), "Corporate finance in the euromarkets and the economics of intermediation", CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 570.

Davis E P (1991), "The development of pension funds; an international comparison", Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 31, 380-90.

Davis E P (1991), "Les crises financieres; theorie et temoignages", Revue d'Economie Financiere, 16, 3-34.

Davis E P (1991), "International diversification of institutional investors", Journal of International Securities Markets, Summer 1991, 143-67.

Davis E P (1991), "Financial disorder and the theory of crisis" in ed M P Taylor, "Money and Financial Markets", Blackwell, Oxford.

Davis E P (1991), "Dettes des ménages et fragilité financiere", Revue d'Economie Financiere, 18, 165-194.

Davis E P (1990), "International investment of life insurance companies", European Affairs, Special Edition on the European Financial Symposium, 240-59.

Davis E P (1990), "International financial centres; an industrial analysis", Bank of England Discussion Paper No. 51.

Davis E P (1990), "An industrial approach to financial instability", Bank of England Discussion Paper No. 50.

Davis E P and Latter A R (1989), "London as an international financial centre", Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 29, 516-28.

Davis E P (1989) "Instability in the euromarkets and the economic theory of financial crisis", Bank of England Discussion paper No. 43.

Davis E P (1988), "Revaluations of personal sector assets", Royal Bank of Scotland Review, 159, 19-28.

Davis E P (1988), "Industrial structure and dynamics of financial markets; the primary eurobond market", Journal of International Securities Markets, 2/88, 253-268 and 1/89, 83-102.

Davis E P (1988), "Financial market activity of life insurance companies and pension funds", Bank for International Settlements, Economic Paper No. 21.

Davis E P (1987), "Rising sectoral debt-income ratios; a cause for concern?", Bank for International Settlements, Economic Paper No. 20.

Davis E P (1987), "A stock-flow consistent macroeconometric model of the UK economy", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2, 111-132 and 259-307.

Davis E P (1986), "Portfolio behaviour of the non financial private sectors in the major economies", Bank for International Settlements, Economic Paper No. 17.

Davis E P (1984), "The consumption function in macroeconomic models; a comparative study", Applied Economics, 16, 799-838.

Davis E P (1984), "A recursive model of personal sector expenditure and accumulation", Bank of England Discussion Paper, Technical Series, No. 6.

Davis E P and Saville I D (1982), "Mortgage lending and the housing market", Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 22, 390-8.

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